Trick-or-treaters past legal voting age…just stop it already. If you’re old enough to shave, your trick-or-treating days are over. If grad school is right around the corner, nobody wants you on their porch begging for free candy. It’s time to accept the hard, cruel fact of reality that you are no longer adorable. No one will coo at your cuteness. No one will call other family members to come look at how big you’ve gotten or how clever your video game costume is. If you’re old enough to be the “sexy version” of ANYTHING, trick-or-treating time has gone bye-bye.
If you want candy, walk up to the store and buy it. Your involvement with trick-or-treating is now limited to the role of passer-outter. But don’t despair, Baby Huey. Candy-passer-outting comes with its own reward…wine!
While we're on the topic of Halloween Crazy...