Few things mar a shopping trip like the Commission Creeper. You step into the store and immediately feel eyes upon your wallet. “Hi!! How’s your day going?! Are you looking for anything in particular?! Let me know if you need any help!! My name’s Bekkie, what’s yours?!”
Oh. Hell. No.
You make it clear that you’re just browsing, yet Bekkie follows you. And she gives a running commentary on everything you see. “That’d look great on you!!” You eyeball something else. “We just got that in!!” You look at another thing. "You have great taste!” Next item. “That’s really cute!!” Another. “That’s really cute, too!!” CHRIST ON TOAST, SHUT UP!! Nobody – absolutely nobody – wants or needs a verbal description of something they’re currently looking directly at. Yes, I can see that it’s cute – that’s why I’m looking at it. I can tell that it’s blue. I can read the designer’s name on the tag. Yes, I noticed the massive, red, flashing “SALE” sign.
And, I swear to holy fuck, the next time somebody fills my dressing room with “a few extra items” they “slipped in there just in case,” I’m gonna tie it all into a giant knot.
Nothing will terminate your sale quicker than turning my shopping experience into a goddamned Stasi interrogation. Oh, and if I want shoes, jewelry or any accessories, Bekkie, I’ll let ya know. Until then…SSSSSHHHHH!!!! And as for the store owners who insist on this crap from their employees, keep in mind -- nobody pesters us when we shop online.
Other ways to annoy your shoppers...