Yeah, I know that technically “irregardless” is a word. It’s in dictionaries, has existed in the fringes for years, and language is alive and always changing…gay no longer means happy…cock no longer means rooster…blah blah blah. “Ain’t” and “y’all” made it into the vernacular just like “gonna” and “kinda” have morphed into common usage. I totally get the arguments.
AND I REJECT THEM!! I don’t care! I happily, joyfully, willfully fly in the face of the grammar goodie-two-shoes who stick up for this bullshit dunce of a wannabe word! “Irrespective” and “regardless” are strong, smart, capable words all on their own – no need whatsoever to turn them into conjoined twins. It’s a misuse, a double negative and a combination of two words that mean the exact same thing all rolled up into one dumbass mouthful.
There’s a reason scholars and real writers refuse to acknowledge this atrocity as a bonafide contributor to the English language…because they’re not dipshits!
I’m antigainst recogknowledging this nonsenseless, minglewoven caricatoon of chitchatter irregardless of what ANY dictionary ANYWHERE says. Exclamation period!
The dictionary is not your escape goat...