Few things are as baffling as the cook-it-yourself restaurant trend. How is this dipshit dining scam appealing in ANY way? Pay for a sitter, dress up, drive in traffic, battle for parking, endure restaurant prices...to cook the shit myself? Say what?!
"Oh, but then you can have it any way you want it." Here's a better idea - let's have the CHEF make it any way I want it.
"Gee, kids just love it." Of course they do. They can drop, spill and burn overpriced ingredients as much as they want. It's super cute when Bronte dumps in half a bottle of chili sauce "because it looked so pretty" and then refuses to eat the lava-esque bowl of gastro torture she's created. Totally worth the 200% mark-up to get home and have everybody bitch that they're hungry. Funsies!
People want to pay tons of cash to do household chores someplace else? Awesome! Shabu-Shabby...make a reservation to clean our floors. Fondu Fold-It...come do our laundry - we charge extra if you want to iron. Not-Pot...you cook it, you eat it, you do your own damn dishes. Grill n' Grout...we broke it, you fix it. Each visit includes a free lollipop 'cause there's never a shortage of suckers.
Know what's different or special about this outing compared to any other night for most moms? Nothing. Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. Even better if you plan that shit as a "special treat" for Mother's Day.
It's okay to admit you're not having a blast...